The opinion has taken root that the mystery of the origin of many geological phenomena deprives them of the possibility of scientific foresight of their detrimental manifestations and the search for patterns to identify what is useful for society. Hence the conclusion: first of all it is necessary to reveal the mysterious mechanism of these geological phenomena.
Well, it is worth paying attention to how science approaches the solution of this issue and analyze its strengths and weaknesses. But we can say in advance that the first drop in the sea, and the last a whole sea.
What is in the depths of our planet
Practically human activity has given a lot for the knowledge of nature. We managed to learn a lot and a lot. But that's what was learned and remained unrecognized. If practical feeling were limitless, then in the end it would be possible to reach recognition only on the basis of practice. But alas. Practice is not limitless, but limited. It has its limit, while in contrast to it a person can use his thinking boundless and boundless. These are, so to speak, the two most basic recognition factors. And they form a single whole as they are inextricably linked and inconceivable without each other. Only in the commonwealth can they penetrate where neither one nor the other individual isolated from each other can.
At present, world science has high hopes for ultra-deep drilling of the earth's crust. This is unimaginably huge material costs. And what will it give? What benefit? We can say in advance: very meager, will not pay off and part of the cost.
Ultra-deep drilling, when carried out, will be half the equivalent of modern methods of studying the surface of the moon. Her pictures were taken up close, as if seen with their own eyes, and still the secret remains a secret. Exactly the same picture will be after ultra-deep drilling. However, such a practical study can break a lot of firewood from some modern established ideas. For example. When you still manage to break through the granite layer. And suddenly there will be layers of sedimentary rocks exactly the same as they are on the day surface. How then to be?
And it is dangerous that even this will not be paid attention to and such serious attention. There will be those to protect the old ideas, will begin to twist perfectly and skillfully customize, which is especially important in modern science.
Why such a thought? Not to mention, here are excerpts from scientific papers. "... exploratory wells (mostly in oil-bearing areas) are drilled to a depth of 6-7 km. With their help, the structure of individual areas and the structure of oil fields at a depth of several kilometers are studied in detail. which is not fundamentally different from the surface layers. " Do we need any more comments here?
At a depth of 20,000 m and how in which places mineral reserves can be found. However, they will be unsuitable for development. And at the same depth, layers of sand can be found as a well-known screen, which covers valuable deposits almost below the top. How then to consider such situation? Isn't it better to force yourself and move your thinking than to drill such an incredibly huge depth? Whoever is given something easier, he does. A practitioner is ignorant but enthusiastic. He does not take anything for himself, but enriches others with his tireless work. His most practical activity enshrines in his mind ingrained and mostly false ideas bordering on the primitiveness of truth. Try to take a step towards the intervention and its activities. Probably tested many times.
The distribution of granite masses on the continents and its absence in the seas and oceans opens a very interesting page in the history of geological development of the Earth. It is complemented by the different thickness of the basalt layer throughout the area. But has anyone tried to think about it?
In this case we are talking about the internal structure of the Earth. Do we need even more weighty practical material for the notion that "the earth's crust is concentrated in the recesses of the surface of the mantle"? This is the springboard from which you can jump a record distance in the concept of the structure of the Earth and its chemical composition in general, while also adhering to the fact that the internal structure of the mantle is also heterogeneous. "In it, at a depth of about 50 km below the ocean floor and 150 km below the continents, a zone of sharp refraction of seismic waves - a waveguide - was discovered."
The earth's crust is a product of smelting from the material of the mantle
If the earth's crust is considered a product of the melting of light components from the mantle material, then why not look for the location of heavy elements? And all that rests on the absence of a true concept of the origin of the earth's crust. The origin of the basalt layer would not be a secret either. Different hypotheses, different considerations, but what's the point?
"The smelting of the granite layer from the mantle is denied." It's just a miracle, what did the one who said about it think? Probably ... And if it were so simple for him to say that the granite layer and similar materials are parts of the original earth's crust, what would he answer to that? If you rely on deep drilling again, then it should be noted that this will not help solve the problems. The eyes will run even more to the unknown. However, it is impossible to get drilled in the laboratory itself in order to discover the regularity of the distribution and location of layers of a certain mineralogical composition. Revealing the essence of the geological processes of ancient times does not mean that it will be possible to identify them with modern ones. But not everything is forged according to the template.
A change in time will certainly entail a change in the mechanism of geological processes. If at a certain period, under certain conditions of the geological development of the planet, a mass of granite of many thousands (in meters) could form, then it cannot form the same now. And if earlier it happened "openly" on the principle that in the store, then in the window, now it is - but hidden. The natural laboratory is now more self-contained. Only occasionally during the course of violent processes is it thrown onto the surface of the planet. The consequences of the more moderate work of the laboratory remain within its walls, also created by time. According to this principle, not only our Earth lives, but also the Moon and other planetary bodies.
Translated from Деякі таємниці планети Земля