A very striking example of evidence of a fault in the Precambrian platform and the emergence of a new, later platform at the fracture site is the South American Precambrian platform. As if a driven wedge of the Caledonian platform split the old one into two parts, which can be easily closed by throwing out the last one. 

The formation of the Precambrian global platform will be considered the first stage in the development of the Earth.

Forming periods of continents with their platforms

The second stage of development will be the emergence of the Caledonian platforms.

The Caledonian platforms, like the Precambrian, with the present-day form of the continents, are also scattered across all continents. These platforms were no longer the same as the Precambrian. They arose between the torn parts of the oldest.

The appearance of new areas of the earth's crust in the interval between the torn parts of the old ones already clearly indicates an increase in the spherical area, that is, the surface area of ​​the earth's crust, and at the same time the volume of the planet as a whole.

Most of the Caledonian platforms are directly adjacent to the Precambrian, which indicates a strong adhesion of crystalline rocks of different ages.

The third stage in the geological development of the planet will be the emergence of the Hercynian (Upper Paleozoic) platforms. The formation of such over the territory in the earth's crust occurs unevenly between the broken parts of the ancient platforms, and they are concentrated somehow in almost one place: on the territory of modern Asia. The next places are Australia and Antarctica, partly Europe (northern) and the tip of South America.

The fourth stage is the Mesozoic platforms. Unlike the previous platforms, the Mesozoic formations no longer have such clear delineations. For the most part, they arise in the areas of the Precambrian platforms, less often at the boundary of the dissection of either the Precambrian platforms themselves, or between the Precambrian and Hercynian platforms. This situation already gives some idea of ​​the position of matter in the mantle region, of its strength at a certain stage of the geological development of the earth's crust and the planet as a whole. The Mesozoic platforms are even more fragmented between the older platforms.

And finally, the fifth stage - the Cenozoic zones of folding and disturbances. A characteristic feature of this zone is that it arose not scattered, but in two places in the form of huge belts, in place of faults in the weakest places, between the previously formed crystalline basements. The characteristic feature of the emergence of this belt brings our concept of the peculiarities of the internal structure of the subcrustal region closer, and gives an idea of ​​the mechanism of movement of rock-forming masses, their temperature state, and the thickness of the hard shell in general at that time.

Here are five such main stages in the evolutionary development of the Earth up to the period of the division of the total mass of the crust into separate areas, which we now call continents.

Evolutionary development with the formation of oceans

According to the detailed tracking of each of these stages, it should probably give rise to an understanding of what prompted the mainland crust to eventually break into separate pieces and start them on their own along the swelling sphere of the planet.

A characteristic feature of the sixth stage of the planet's development is that the rupture of the pre-continental crust, in contrast to the ruptures of the previous stages, went in two directions: the dissection mainly went along the Precambrian platforms, as the most ancient regions, and in the Cenozoic period, as the youngest period.

These two facts taken together in some way open the curtain over the concept of the structural structure of the upper mantle and its connection with the crustal region at a certain stage of the planet's development.

The seventh stage of the geological development of the Earth is the emergence of the Mid-Oceanic Belt.

The eighth stage has just begun its business, determining the places of future births.

But the so-called intermediate periods between the sixth and seventh stages are important. These periods gave rise to many mysterious structures at the bottom of the oceans, the solution to which makes it clear about the nature of water on Earth and about its quantity in certain epochs. Perhaps it will still help to realize about its continuous growth on the planet.

So this is how much material you need to digest, comprehend it, understand the essence of the mechanism of each process at each stage of the geological development of the Earth, in order to find out what the mantle is below the border of Mohorovichich. And this is just one side of knowledge. And how many of them are all - it's hard to say.

The development of the planet with the beginning of the divergence of the continents 

What is noticed in a cursory review of all stages of the geological development of the planet Earth? First of all, the increase in the amount of terrestrial matter is striking. Our planet is called mother. And this is a very correct definition, not in a figurative, but in the literal sense of the word. She, like a mother, gave birth to everything that we see, feel and ourselves of which we are made.

Each new era in the life of the Earth was marked by grandiose events of the birth of more and more new formations, changing and complementing its external appearance. There is no need to invent some bizarre inventions in order to meaningfully understand the essence of its geological development in the past and predict the future. Everything is there and cannot be hidden from human gaze. The only problem is that all this does not fit into the still poorly developed human consciousness. We sometimes look for something that does not exist, reject it and do not want to see what really exists. And all our aspirations are directed towards knowledge. No, we have not yet learned to cognize, have not learned to comprehend the reality of the material world. Let it be a reproach, but a just reproach.

The birth of terrestrial matter by the inner part of the planet is one of the deepest mysteries of the natural development of the material world.

Probably, in this pattern, almost all the responses to the phenomena occurring that we see, feel and do not understand are concentrated in this pattern.

A characteristic feature of the birth of new formations at regular intervals (after many millions of years) is their locality. Speaking of locality, we mean the structure of the earth's crust during the Archean, Proterozoic and Paleozoic eras, when the spreading of modern continents had not yet begun.

The constancy of the ratio of water on the planet 

Modern continents in those very distant times were a single continent on a global scale. Where were the seas and oceans? - the question may instantly arise - where could a huge mass of such a liquid material as water be placed?

Bearing in mind the current amount of water masses on the entire planet, it is unthinkable to imagine a small volume of a planet with its small surface. If it was on Earth in such a quantity and then, then with what power did it cover the then continents? No, this is inconceivable. This is something fantastic and incredible.

The depth from the surface of the water to the hardened shell should be not small tens of kilometers! Absurd! Indeed, many mountain ranges on modern continents are not so high, but do not have any signs that they were flooded with water. The fact that water at one time really covered the space of modern continents is beyond doubt: there is more evidence than necessary. Where is the logical consistency. And the logical consistency first of all lies in the fact that there was the same amount of water in proportion to the area of ​​the earth's crust. It was many times less than it is now.

Water, at the same time, covered the earth's crust with a very insignificant thickness. And what was its thickness in this or that geological period and now it is possible to determine with great accuracy relative to the general level of the land itself in a particular place on the globe. On the continents, the fixtures of the then water level are still quite well preserved. The water left, and they, naked, have remained unchanged to this day.

These are the same fixators not only on the continents, but also on the ocean floor. The nature of their birth is organically linked to the aquatic environment, and they owe their form to it. Since they are mysterious structures, they are credited with all kinds of invented principles of education, but not natural ones.

Modern seas and oceans are the most stable in comparison with the past pre-Paleozoic. The modern place on the planet is determined to be permanent. Their nomadic life has long ceased.

 Translated from Про формування планети - поетапність в розташуванні континентів

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Next About the formation of the planet -5- in the final stages