Granite strata, in whatever form they are found now in the earth's crust, are the remnants of the pristine crust. If we are not skeptical about what has been said, but are taken seriously, then we could learn a lot about the evolutionary development of the earth's crust as a whole. 

In confirmation of the expanding Earth

Quite valuable material was provided by V.B. Neumann in his work on the expanding Earth - a diagram of the tectonics of the globe. What could be clearer for the knowledge of the truth that our planet, in reality, throughout its entire existence, endured a grandiose process of expansion, swelling, increase in volume.

Let us take this opportunity and try to delve into the understanding of the tectonics of the globe in more detail.

How can the definition of rocks called Precambrian platforms be included in our concept? These are the most ancient parts of the earth's crust, formed at the very beginning of its inception. According to the diagram, they are scattered across the globe in separate patches.

What is the opinion of any knowledgeable person, how meaningfully does he perceive the variegation of the structure of the earth's crust according to spatio-temporal areas? How to understand that in some places parts of the earth's crust are very ancient, while in others they are much younger? Can we refer to the fact that at one time the planet Earth could not have a fully formed crust?

Each part of the earth's crust was formed in its own time

According to the distribution of areas of the earth's crust by age, it logically follows the conclusion about the not ubiquitous presence of a hardened shell. Where Precambrian platforms are indicated, suppose it first formed. The question is, what was in the place where the solidified shell appeared many millions of years later? Emptiness? An incandescent mass of matter? Or is it a body of water?

And this is not a desperate situation. If we assume that the volume of the globe has not changed since its inception and was as it is, then the entire present earth's crust arose everywhere simultaneously in the Precambrian. The presence of young areas of the earth's crust can be explained by the covering of the ancient crust with younger rocks, which came to the surface from the depths much later. Consequently, the most ancient crystalline rocks should be found at a depth under all surface areas of different ages. And in fact? Is the case study consistent with theoretical findings? No, they don't. Crystalline rocks of the Precambrian are not found, for example, in the zones of Cenozoic folding as well as the Cenozoic in the Precambrian.

These are completely separate formations of different times of their origin in the general cycle of the geological development of the Earth. And no matter how deeply drilled in the area of ​​the Cenozoic zone, crystalline rocks of the Precambrian will not be found up to the mantle. What does this mean? And this means that, regardless of any own prejudices, one should call things by their proper names and understand them meaningfully.

Let it seem wild, incredible and implausible to us, but still it is necessary to accept the concept that the Earth at the initial stages of its origin was several times smaller in volume than the modern one. Only under this condition will we understand the essence of the uneven-aged sections of the earth's crust. Even if the mystery of the processes taking place inside the planet, which lead to such an extraordinary phenomenon, does not open up to us, we can learn a lot, which is a complete unknown for us today. And we will consider it a duty to put on the verbal shelves a mute image of the Earth's drawing.

Platforms as stages in the development of the planet

The predecessors of the theory of the expanding Earth correctly and quite reasonably presented the essence of the crustal planet. They threw out bodies of water and closed all continents. There is more evidence of this than would be needed. But that is not all. Much of Kirillov's crustal model is not yet fully consistent, not everything coincides with great accuracy. But the reason is not in their mapping, but in those significant changes that took place with the continents even when they were already dismembered.

And therefore, it would be necessary to start research from the time when a solid shell was first formed on the young planet Earth. This shell will be the Precambrian platforms. Let us not fit into a meaningful form, but we must believe the facts.

The Precambrian platforms also underwent changes 

Precambrian platforms exist on all continents of the globe, but not in the same proportion. Africa is a continuous Precambrian platform. In South America, the platform is divided into two halves by the later Caledonian platform, the North American platform is partially dissected and framed on 3 sides by sections of the earth's crust of a later age, the Hercynian platform is attached to the Australian platform, four sections of the Precambrian platform are located in Eurasia, and finally most of Antarctica is also occupied by the Precambrian platform. All of this represents the torn apart pieces of a once-unified platform.

If we throw away all other platforms and zones of later origin, close only the Precambrian platforms into one, then one can imagine what size our planet was after some 5 billion years.

Incredible? Yes, it is very incredible when you compare it to its current size.

It was easier for Kirillov to create a model of the Earth's crust, closing the existing continents and throwing out water spaces. It is more difficult to create a crustal model of the planet in its initial stage of development. Here, in many ways, the torn pieces will not match. And they will not be not because they once did not close, but because these torn pieces themselves, already being dismembered, once again endured changes under the influence of tectonic actions.

Take Africa for example. According to the schematic representation, it represents a continuous Precambrian platform. But in fact, this is a continent of crystalline rocks of different ages. According to the studies of foreign scientists, it is clear that the Precambrian platform of Africa includes many tectonic disturbances with inclusions of rocks of late origin. The same can be said for any single Precambrian platform.

From that moment, when the earth's crust was a continuous crystalline massif, a gradual study of the mechanism of the expanding planet should have begun.

If at the beginning of this study the question of the incredibly enormous pressure inside the planet that arises at the present time was raised, then it is quite possible to assume that the same pressure occurred at the time when the platforms were forming.

Here is both analogy and logic. The question arises, due to what other circumstances or reasons could the hardened primordial shell burst? In this, as you can see, there is some unknown to us unshakable regularity of the development of planetary bodies.

 Translated from Про формування планети завдяки розширенню

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Next About the formation of the planet -4- phasing in the location of continents